Guest Experience
With MS Bell, luggage delivery becomes efficient and modernized, delivering a seamless guest experience and, ultimately, a better review.
Scenario: Your bell staff has placed a piece of luggage in the wrong guest’s vehicle. How to avoid this scenario?
Solution: Your bell staff will scan bags and assign to a guest. Upon scanning, MS Bell will alert the staff if they have scanned a bag that does not belong to that guest.
Missing luggage can equate to loss of productivity and compensation to guests. By efficiently tracking luggage through MS Bell, losses are reduced and search time for misplaced items is minimal. Staff can spend more time creating a positive guest experience instead of wasting precious time searching for bags.
Locating luggage becomes easier than ever with MS Bell eliminating extensive searching for misplaced items. Records of each item detail when the bags were released and to whom. Luggage storage locations, whether a bell closet or several storage rooms, are easy to organize and locate items. The bell staff no longer needs to search an entire room for one piece of luggage, they can go straight to the location where the luggage was scanned into storage. Also, front desk and security staff can see where a particular piece of luggage is stored at any time by simply accessing the storage log.
When a bag goes missing, the comprehensive records in MS Bell show a clear picture of the last known location of the bag. Items can be recovered much more quickly and with less time investigating and running around the hotel in search. Security teams will spend less time looking at camera footage to identify the movements of missing items.
When luggage arrives with damage, how can the hotel protect itself from claims? MS Bell features a photo upload function inside a luggage tag entry where a photo can be stored of the bag. Simply take a photo with the scanning device and upload it to the luggage tag record. If the bag arrived damaged and was photographed, the hotel can protect itself from losses in compensation.
Scenario: Your bell staff has delivered a piece of luggage to the wrong room.
Solution: The bell staff has the option to scan the location where luggage was delivered documenting accurately the real location of bags.
Scenario: Luggage arriving with a guest is already damaged when the bellman pick it up. How can you protect your hotel from claims?
Solution: The bell staff can photograph an incoming damaged bag and save the photo to the record. Should any claims be made against the hotel for the damage, the photo taken upon arrival documents the bag arrived at the hotel already damaged.
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